New beginnings
Wij hebben van vele muziekliefhebbers begrepen dat zij uitkeken naar de restart van Momentos de Musica na enkele jaren coronablokkade. Velen hebben genoten van de concerten op 10 februari van Duo Black&White Keys (piano & marimba) en op 1 en 2 april van Trio Rodin (viool, cello, piano) in Villa “El Nido”.
De nieuwe formule is uitgekristalliseerd: op zaterdag middag en op zondagmiddag steeds 1 huiskamer concert met slechts ca. 35 gasten in de ruime patio van villa “El Nido” in Javea. Beide concerten dezelfde formule met open bar gedurende de inloop, pauze en meet & greet. Catering en ondersteunende bediening verzorgen een soepje in de pauze en een vers gemaakt hapje tijdens de meet & greet.
De muziek is zaterdag en zondag hetzelfde, evenals, -conform de traditie sinds 2014 van Momentos de Musica-, de muziek steeds door getalenteerde professionele musici wordt vertolkt.
U dient op de gebruikelijke wijze te reserveren na ontvangst van de mailing over het aanstaande concert. Geen betalingen per bank, maar uitsluitend contant bij entree. Uw reservering wordt direct automatisch (reply) bevestigd, check ook uw Spamfolder. Met uw reservering ontstaat een betalingsverplichting, ondanks annulering bent u niet van de betalingsverplichting ontheven; wel kunt u uw reservering overdragen aan derden.
We understood from many music lovers that they were looking forward to the restart of Momentos de Musica after several years of corona blockade. Many enjoyed the concerts on February 10 by Duo Black&White Keys (piano& marimba) and on April 1 and 2nd the Trio Rodin (violin, cello, piano) at Villa “El Nido.
The new formula has crystallized to: on Saturday afternoon and on Sunday afternoon always 1 living room concert with only about 35 guests in the spacious patio of villa “El Nido” in Javea. Both concerts the same formula with open bar during the walk-in, intermission and meet & greet. Catering and support staff provide a soup during intermission and a freshly made snack during the meet & greet.
The music is the same Saturday and Sunday, as well as, -according to the tradition since 2014 of Momentos de Musica-, the music is always performed by talented professional musicians.
You should make reservations in the usual way after receiving the mailing about the upcoming concert. No payments by bank, but only cash at entrance. Your reservation will be automatically (reply) confirmed immediately, also check your Spam folder. With your reservation creates an obligation to pay, despite cancellation you are not relieved of your
Despite cancellation you are not released from the payment obligation; however, you can transfer your reservation to a third party.

You must book in the usual way after receiving the mailing about the upcoming concert. No payments by bank, but cash at the entrance. Your reservation will be confirmed, which creates a payment obligation.