Momentos de Musica


Miguel Martin Balaguer

Miguel Martin Balaguer born and started to study in Valencia, winning Premio de Grado Profesional in Conservatorium Jose Iturbi of Valencia.
He was studied in CSMA of Aragon his bachelor degree, playing in young and professional orchertras such as JONDE, Wienes Jeunesse Orchester, Ekaterimburg Filarmonich or Orquesta Reino de Aragón.
He was teacher in some young orcgestras such as JORVVAL, Panamá Young Orchestra, Guatemala Young Orchestra.
He played concerts in lot of countries such as Germany, Italy, Austrian or Russia.
He was official horn of Barroque Baireuth Festival 2022.
Actually, he is member of the Orquesta de la Comunitàt Valenciana-Palau de les Artes in Valencia.